Integral Transport Service

Elmasa Obras Públicas has the best transport means for heavy machinery throughout The National Peninsular Territory, making our lengthy and vast experience transporting our self-owned heavy machinery over the last 20 years, available to you. We provide the highest guarantees in complying with time frames and viability of transport.

Our specialized personnel handle all necessary documentation for special transports, programming and coordinating the best route / leg. Our transport specialists and drivers have due experience in order to resolve any trip issues which may affect the route and cause delays on foreseen time frames.

Our personnel will provide the best advice on your specific needs, offering the best alternative possible in order to reduce your deadlines and costs, always under the premise of guaranteeing load safety, security and service quality and professionalism.

Elmasa Obras Públicas S.A. Logistics

Conditions of service

  • Max. load width: 4,99 metres
  • Max. payload: 85 tonnes
  • National peninsular territory

Our extensive experience, at your service

Our fleet answers all needs and adaptability required by our clients and it is structured according to weight distribution requirements, mass concentration and distribution as well as manoeuvrability and fragility considerations the load may have. Our specialists carry out a detailed analysis of the route geometry, maximum height limits, repercussion of the road train and adequacy to the chosen route.

With all these criteria in mind and the fore mentioned analysis, the resulting route guarantees effectiveness required by our clients.

If you would like to receive more information on our machinery transport service, contract or manage any service, please do not hesitate to contact our Transport Coordination & Planning Department, where we can offer you a budget tailored to your needs.